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Posted on 25 November 2022

5 reasons you should leave your current job 

If your current job isn’t all that it’s meant to be, chances are that you are disengaged and considering an exit sooner rather than later. Your career ambitions and personal growth may not match where you work right now – below are a few reasons why you may be looking for a change.

1. You don’t see a future with your company

If you close your eyes and imagine the future, where do you see your company heading? If you can see layoffs in the future and an unstable work environment, planning an exit isn’t just a good idea, it’s common sense! Regardless of how much your job may be an OK fit right now, you owe it to yourself to have a plan. Fail to plan = plan to fail.

2.       Your work culture is **** (not good)

If the idea of going into the office on Monday fills you with despair, it’s definitely time you re-evaluate where you are working. Being part of team in a company with a toxic work environment and culture isn’t a lot of fun long-term. Start looking for companies who’s values and ethics impress you, trust me they’re definitely out there!

3.       Financial security

We live in a world where inflation is reducing your purchasing power every month more and more. You may have joined your current company years ago and your salary has never increased inline with inflation; effectively you earn less every year. Some companies regularly look at their employee’s salary packages and increase salaries to keep up with inflation. The employment market is competitive and you might be tempted to start looking at other companies if your salary stays the same over time. The best time to negotiate a higher salary for yourself is when you change jobs.

4.       No growth

You may be satisfied with your current job but not see a future for yourself if you don’t learn new skills that will allow you to grow. Maybe it’s time for you to consider opportunities where you can move up the hierarchy quickly while learning new skills. Set yourself up for success by working on yourself; one way is to get certifications or by going back to school and getting another degree or Certificate of Advanced Studies (common in Switzerland).

5.       There is no ability to climb the ladder

Depending on your company, you may have very qualified (sometimes, not at all) people above you. If the options for advancing up the chain of command are limited or non-existent, it may be time for you to take control of your career and join a company with more opportunities to grow.

So what next?

If you aim to start your Mondays with a smile on your face again, our TalentCloud Group recruitment team is happy to have a conversation with you about our many open opportunities. We understand the Swiss employment market and can help you get your next dream job in Switzerland so don’t hesitate to reach out to us! Connect with one of our TalentCloud Group team for a chat – we are always happy to have a confidential discussion with you.

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